after todays announcement...

after todays announcement...

Postby damonlufc » 06 Jul 2011, 18:51

Would love to be at the next Beady eye gig. Liams twitter reads one word SHITBAG.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby oasiscane » 07 Jul 2011, 00:10

Yea, let the flying shitstorm begin.

I was actually surprised that the Oasis split was allowed on the table for a press conference like that? I get it talking about the new releases, the tour, who's in the band, who produced the records etc. but this will now just turn into a verbal battle for the remainder of the year and probably for a long time.

Interesting to see Andy Bell getting thrown under the bus by Noel fro not speaking up when this argument went down. I thought Gem was in the room as well? At least that was what I have heard Gem say in recent interviews when this was asked.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby JackWMS » 07 Jul 2011, 05:14

I felt much the same, infact I was a bit disappointed that Noel went into so much detail and slagged Andy off whilst he was at it. There's setting the record straight and then there's playing to the papers and giving them gossip, I thought this was the exact thing that Noel would avoid.

I reckon he could be annoyed that him and Andy haven't spoken, Noel has been in contact with Gem and Chris and maybe he feels as if Andy has taken Liams side when Noel was the one that recruited him if you like.

Either way I'm bored with the bitchiness but cannot f**king wait until Noel's record come out.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby natecopsey » 07 Jul 2011, 06:28

Cant wait!
I'm glad we finally heard Noel's side of the story, I know it doesn't change much but I wanted to know if he would be as angry and insulting to the other guys, since he said the other guys didnt stand up for him in his goodbye message...Glad he still talks to Gem, but I didn't think he was ever really close to Andy anyway.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby Bob Morris » 08 Jul 2011, 08:54

Personally he did the right thing, he's kept a kind of dignified silence since the break up, whilst Liams had his say many a time on various chat shows when questioned about the break up, so I think he was setting the record straighter. And unless you actually either Liam or Noel speak, the papers / magazines do twist alot of words into something worse than it actually was intended, so you never really know the truth of what was really said.
To be fair Noel never actually slagged Liam or Beady Eye off, and even quoted to having watched them on Jool's and Live At Abbey Rd. Do you think Liam would do like wise?
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby eight » 08 Jul 2011, 17:15

Bob Morris wrote:Personally he did the right thing, he's kept a kind of dignified silence since the break up, whilst Liams had his say many a time on various chat shows when questioned about the break up, so I think he was setting the record straighter. And unless you actually either Liam or Noel speak, the papers / magazines do twist alot of words into something worse than it actually was intended, so you never really know the truth of what was really said.
To be fair Noel never actually slagged Liam or Beady Eye off, and even quoted to having watched them on Jool's and Live At Abbey Rd. Do you think Liam would do like wise?

Yes I think Liam will watch his brother live. Liam loves his music and always has. Now, is he going to openly admit that he watched Noel live? I guarantee he wont. If he does, then maybe its a sign that hes finally coming around. Noel may not have slagged Liam but he definitely did not tell the entire truth of what happened. Just as Liam didn't. He left out the parts that would make him look bad just as Liam did. Its somewhere in between what they both said which puts them both at fault for the split.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby Aaron_Lennon » 08 Jul 2011, 20:23

I thought it was a bit unnecessary when Noel insulted Andy's intelligence (about him repeatedly counting how many shoes he had on) and his unwillingness to step in. In fact, he said the whole band was in the room and no one stepped up. To me that says a lot about the situation. No one took Noel's side, no one got in the middle and told Liam to go f**k himself, what does that tell you? To me it means that Noel may have been more in the wrong. Obviously Andy, Chris and Gem don't feel like Liam is a tyrant because they started a whole new band with him. Why on earth would they start a band and go on a big long tour with someone as volatile as Noel describes? Noel seems like a dictator and prima donna honestly. He came off a bit like a girl when he talked about Liam swinging the guitar around, Noel likes to talk big but I guess when it comes down to it, he is a little nancy. I'm definitely going to listen to his album but I'm really not expecting anything rockin' like Beady Eye put out. Noel sounds like a p***k to me, I think Liam seems like the more level headed down to earth guy. But that's just my opinion.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby eight » 08 Jul 2011, 20:45

[quote= To me that says a lot about the situation. No one took Noel's side, no one got in the middle and told Liam to go f**k himself, what does that tell you? To me it means that Noel may have been more in the wrong. Obviously Andy, Chris and Gem don't feel like Liam is a tyrant because they started a whole new band with him. Why on earth would they start a band and go on a big long tour with someone as volatile as Noel describes?[/quote]

I have to agree. If they thought Noel was the lesser of two evils and still wanted to make excellent music why would they stick with Liam. Which brings me to my ultimate opinion of why Noel left. He wanted a break after 16 years of being in Oasis. He felt that he was done in that role. Its no different when a cast member decides to leave a tv show after so many years of working on it. What most likely happened was that Noel decided to leave right before the tour started which pissed Liam off and made him wield a guitar like an axe and threw it at Noel who smashed it to bits and then left. Andy and Gem were just watching all of this because what could they do? Noel wants to leave for good, Liam throwing a fit as usual. Of course they were mad at Noel for leaving. Or Noel was looking for an excuse to leave after doing it for so long and then like a eye witness stated...Noel made a comment about "Liams crummy guitar playing" Liam hauled his own guitar at Noel, Noel smashed it, words were said and that was all Noel needed to make up his mind about leaving especially after no one did anything.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby b0bban » 09 Jul 2011, 09:54

I can't wait to get my hands on Noels album!

And i didn't pay any attention at some of the things he said about the Oasis-split. They are done, finished so let's leave it at that. To bad we couldn't get even MORE info on his albums. 8-)
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby lbjeffries » 09 Jul 2011, 19:12

Aaron_Lennon wrote:I thought it was a bit unnecessary when Noel insulted Andy's intelligence (about him repeatedly counting how many shoes he had on) and his unwillingness to step in. In fact, he said the whole band was in the room and no one stepped up. To me that says a lot about the situation. No one took Noel's side, no one got in the middle and told Liam to go f**k himself, what does that tell you? To me it means that Noel may have been more in the wrong. Obviously Andy, Chris and Gem don't feel like Liam is a tyrant because they started a whole new band with him. Why on earth would they start a band and go on a big long tour with someone as volatile as Noel describes? Noel seems like a dictator and prima donna honestly. He came off a bit like a girl when he talked about Liam swinging the guitar around, Noel likes to talk big but I guess when it comes down to it, he is a little nancy. I'm definitely going to listen to his album but I'm really not expecting anything rockin' like Beady Eye put out. Noel sounds like a p***k to me, I think Liam seems like the more level headed down to earth guy. But that's just my opinion.

That's an expression and it doesn't relate to intelligence. If you are looking down counting your shoes, you are avoiding eye contact and/or a situation. Since you weren't there, you don't really know and can't interpret what happened. I can't interpret and it's none of my business. Listening to a band/artist doesn't mean you know them. They're famous for making music and if you like the music that's it, leave the rest to the gossip columns.
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby JackWMS » 10 Jul 2011, 05:04

lbjeffries wrote: If you are looking down counting your shoes, you are avoiding eye contact and/or a situation.

Noel could of made a cracking pun there, he practically made a genre from it!
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Re: after todays announcement...

Postby PrettyGreen7 » 10 Jul 2011, 10:35

Aaron_Lennon wrote:I thought it was a bit unnecessary when Noel insulted Andy's intelligence (about him repeatedly counting how many shoes he had on) and his unwillingness to step in. In fact, he said the whole band was in the room and no one stepped up. To me that says a lot about the situation. No one took Noel's side, no one got in the middle and told Liam to go f**k himself, what does that tell you? To me it means that Noel may have been more in the wrong. Obviously Andy, Chris and Gem don't feel like Liam is a tyrant because they started a whole new band with him. Why on earth would they start a band and go on a big long tour with someone as volatile as Noel describes? Noel seems like a dictator and prima donna honestly. He came off a bit like a girl when he talked about Liam swinging the guitar around, Noel likes to talk big but I guess when it comes down to it, he is a little nancy. I'm definitely going to listen to his album but I'm really not expecting anything rockin' like Beady Eye put out. Noel sounds like a p***k to me, I think Liam seems like the more level headed down to earth guy. But that's just my opinion.

Good post mate!
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