Oasis and Americans?

Oasis and Americans?

Postby eight » 13 Jun 2011, 23:47

Why did most Americans think Oasis was a joke? I am an American and still a teen but I absolutely love Oasis and Beady Eye. But whenever I show a friend one of there songs they always refer to them as a "gay boy band" like "NSYNC" or they ask "who?" or just don't like them. It is like Americans don't take them seriously.
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby shakermaker05 » 14 Jun 2011, 01:44

I think Oasis has a larger following in the states than what it seems like. Problem is that we are outnumbered by Nickelback and Jay Z fans 10:1.

On Record Store Day I drove up I77 from canton to cleveland and hit 11 record stores looking for the Beady Eye boxset and it was the hottest item of the day. Store employees were just laughing at me when I asked for it cos I guess demand was through the roof. It was kinda like trying to buy a Wii that first Christmas it launched if you remember that ruckus!

And it sounds like your friend needs his smart mouth smacked! Just curious- whats his favorite band?
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby eight » 14 Jun 2011, 02:05


And it sounds like your friend needs his smart mouth smacked! Just curious- whats his favorite band?[/quote]
He doesnt have any favorite bands, most people I know don't. They just listen to various songs from various artists. He has everything from The Fall Out Boys (ironic) to Rhianna, and Avenged Sevenfold. I somewhat pity those many people who have not found their "band". For me Oasis is like a religion. It defines who I am. I don't just listen because it sounds good, I listen because it is uplifting. It is something I can hold onto every day without regret. I am deeply glad that Oasis has been a major part of my life the past 4 years. For me its not a band, its an experience. The show Lost is for me also. And ironically without a 7 or so second scene of a character playing a cover of Wonderwall in that show, I may have never discovered Oasis. Weird how things find you.
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby shakermaker05 » 14 Jun 2011, 02:57

Man, great testimonial! I agree with everything you said, as Oasis/Beady Eye is so much more than the music for me too! It's the attitude, the swagger the look etc. It sucks that 95% of the American population has such horrible taste in music and bands like fall out boy, linkin park and nickelback can have such success (don't even get me started on rap and hip hop!) while bands like Beady Eye/Oasis, Verve, Travis, Kasabian, Stereophonics (the list goes on and on and on so forgive me if I left someone out....) get no respect.

I guess at the end of the day it just comes down to you and what makes you happy. I've always been a fan of the underdog, so the more people criticize something I'm fond of the more I will defend it and like it. I think that had a big infuence in me latching on to the Brit-pop bands of the 90's. I like you, had the majority of my peers in high school telling me how gay Oasis was and how much better Korn and Limp Bizkit were. KORN AND LIMP BIZKIT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD LMFAO!!

It's really cool to be against the grain and listen to the bands coming from the UK, Sweeden and Iceland when most of your peers are just being brainwashed by mtv and fm radio. In time, I've just kinda adopted the "Me against the world" attitude when defending my music selection. This isn't a hard attitude to conjure as it is such a common theme in so many Oasis songs "Roll WIth it" to name one.

Just keep fighting the good fight and keep blastin that Beady Eye & Oasis, guys like us are a dying breed, but a dying breed with VERY GOOD TASTE, none-the-less! And just remember the words of Liam and the lyrics of Noel: Ya gotta say what ya say don't let any F***** get in yer way!!
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby JackWMS » 14 Jun 2011, 05:46

your not alone lads, it's like that everywhere!

I hate 'Compilation CD music fans' that only every like what the radio tells them to, thing is there will always be people that love music, not like it, love it. The type of person that needs to know every single B-side that band made, buy all the re-issues to get some alternative takes or different versions. The fewer there are though the better sometimes, we're unique! Also don't get this wrong guys, Oasis are hated in England and the UK also, always in the news for something or other in the 90's got them a real bad rep with alot of fly by night fans that only owned What The Story... It's just they built a big solid fan base here because so many people could relate to them and their music, they were just kids from the estates making noise.

Seriously get some better friends! haha, I'm not saying ditch anyone that doesn't like good music, just find some kids you can relate to musically. In my school there was a nice group of us that were seen as the 'Alternative' bunch that listened to everything from grunge to metal, punk to reggae and even Hip-Hop (yes, Hip-hop, look up Rap VS Hip-Hop and you'll see what I mean. Hip-Hop is an amazing genre when you dig deep enough.), the main thing was we all loved the music and cared for the genres we represented, corny clothing styles and all! All you need though is one or two people that dig what your into and the world will seem alot brighter, having someone to rebel with is a lot more fun than doing it billy no mates.

Give up on the people that aren't willing to listen to you and put time into people that are interested in good music, whatever it is. I can imagine it being harder in the US as many people seem to have a worse music taste (well worse taste in most things, from music to country leaders :lol:), it's hard in Australia also. 90% of decent music from recent times is born in the UK, it just has something there that creates the best music going, Arctic Monkeys anyone? 8-)

Anyway enough of that rant, just don't worry about it, give them the fingers and stick on 'The Rolling People' by Verve and walk down the street in your trench-coat or whatever with that Gallagher swagger and f**k the rest of them! :DYou just gotta roll with it.

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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby brekkieMONKEY » 14 Jun 2011, 14:18

shakermaker05 wrote:.I like you, had the majority of my peers in high school telling me how gay Oasis was and how much better Korn and Limp Bizkit were. KORN AND LIMP BIZKIT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD LMFAO!!

Sometimes I feel like the only person who likes Oasis/Beady Eye AND Korn/Limp Bizkit/Slipknot etc! :lol:

But yeah, for me 'my band' had always been Kasabian, ever since I heard Empire on one of the 'now' CDs about five or six years ago! (I'm 16). I knew from then what my favourite genre was. But I'd never been so excited about a particular band before Beady Eye came along. Throughout school nobody was much interested in Kasabian/Oasis or anything like that. It kinda sucks not having anyone to share your interests. I know how you feel about showing friends a song or a band and getting a response like 'urgh!' or even 'turn that awful noise off!' (although admittedly that last quote was about Slipknot, :lol:)
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby Cheese » 14 Jun 2011, 16:43

Americans in general dont get Oasis they never have.

Oasis were very northern english with a very northern english attitude and swagger that is double dutch to most americans, i remember the uproar when liam spat on tv on the mtv awards in 96', it was so pathetic youd have thought hed pissed on someones kids live on tv. Ive always thought of the american press inparticualry as a bunch of cretins to be honest (soz if that offends), but i dont get americans, ive just returned from america and I still dont get them, but of course im irritated by the stereoptypical american, not probabaly what most americans are.

I mean can you imagine what they thought of Oasis when they landed back in the day?, from my experience most americans think we all walk round with bowler hats and umbrellas and talk like mary fuckin poppins, and know the queen, and that if you live any further north than london youre scottish.

then on walks two strategically shaved chimps from manchester with a head of e', and a mic and guitar :)
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby JackWMS » 14 Jun 2011, 22:21

Cheese wrote: from my experience most americans think we all walk round with bowler hats and umbrellas and talk like mary fuckin poppins, and know the queen, and that if you live any further north than london youre scottish.

This is fact :lol:

EVERYONE thinks us brits live in stately homes and drive royce's everywhere, we all know the queen and have butlers and talk like we've all been to finishing school. I once suggested an Aussie the Tv series Shameless, after watching it I think it made them question everything :lol:

I grew up near Bristol and have a very bland English accent with maybe a hint of west country in it, even I'm asked if I'm Scottish by Australians!
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby shakermaker05 » 15 Jun 2011, 02:22

JackWMS wrote:
Cheese wrote: from my experience most americans think we all walk round with bowler hats and umbrellas and talk like mary fuckin poppins, and know the queen, and that if you live any further north than london youre scottish.

This is fact :lol:

EVERYONE thinks us brits live in stately homes and drive royce's everywhere, we all know the queen and have butlers and talk like we've all been to finishing school. I once suggested an Aussie the Tv series Shameless, after watching it I think it made them question everything :lol:

I grew up near Bristol and have a very bland English accent with maybe a hint of west country in it, even I'm asked if I'm Scottish by Australians!

Well, I must be a weird American cos I think about people who make kick ass music and almost equally as kick ass ale. Mmmmm!
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby eight » 15 Jun 2011, 14:43

[quote=" from my experience most americans think we all walk round with bowler hats and umbrellas and talk like mary fuckin poppins, and know the queen, and that if you live any further north than london youre scottish.

then on walks two strategically shaved chimps from manchester with a head of e', and a mic and guitar :)[/quote]

I must admit that until I got into Oasis and Lost I thought pretty much what you said. Now I know the truth. You all are much cooler the Americans. I would rather live over there with the great music and attitude rather in America where all we have are red necks who want to go mudding all day, fat women who dont work and collect wellfare for their 6 children and eat Mcdonalds all day. Then they throw a party and have Justin Bieber and fall out boy krap music blasting in your ears.
What I find ironic is that the majority of Americans hate all foreign music yet they don't realize that Justin Bieber, Green Day and many other bands and singers are foreign. They just don't have an accent when they sing. I am done with my rant...
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby ChelyVonBitch » 16 Jun 2011, 15:18

shakermaker05 wrote:[...] Guys like us are a dying breed, a dying breed But with VERY GOOD TASTE, none-the-less! And just remember the words of Liam and Noel of the lyrics: I gotta say what ya say do not let ***** Any F get in yer way! [...]

In fact, YES!, Myself included. On this side of the pond, musical tastes are extreme ... :?

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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby theboyinthedirtyshirt » 17 Jun 2011, 13:45

eight wrote:fat women who dont work and collect wellfare for their 6 children and eat Mcdonalds all day.

Its not much different in England! :lol:
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby SteveCooper » 17 Jun 2011, 18:12

Hey guys,
As an American fan I get a lot of strange looks and responses from my friends and family when asked who my favorite band of all time is. When I reply "Oasis" I usually get one of the following responses:
1. Strange look, as if trying to remember something and then, "Oh yea, those guys from the 90's that were trying to sound like the Beatles right? They had a couple cool songs. What ever happened to them"?
2. "Champagne Supernova! Loved that song. Reminds of Spring Break 1996! What ever happened to them?"
3. "I remember them. Wasn't their lead singer kind of a douche? Didn't he spit on MTV or something?

Then when I tell them that I'm a Beady Eye fan, it's even harder to explain. I'll say, "It's pretty much Oasis (remember them?) without Noel". And when I tell them I'm flying to NYC to see them live they look at me like I have 3 heads.

So why didn't Oasis ever truly blow up over here?
1. The Fab 4. The Beatles are still to this day like a religion for some in the States. To be influenced by them is one thing, but to tell the entire world that you are bigger than the Beatles is sacrilegious. This statement went over like a lead balloon.
2. Too British. Hey, we all love Princess Di, Mary Poppins, and Austin Powers but too much of a good thing is not a good thing. The Gallaghers were looked at the same way we looked at soccer, oops, football hooliganism back in the day. Loudmouth, drunken, dirty punks that no one could understand.
3. Poor timing. After enduring the horrendous hair band music of the 80's, as young Americans we were angry and ready to let everyone know it. Enter Kurt Cobain. Much of the music here from 1991-1995 was extremely aggressive. Hell, even REM made some aggressive (for them) music in the early 90's. And now this Beatle wannabe is singing about a wonderwall and living forever? Again, it just didn't go over well.
4. Liam. At one of their first US concerts he said that American crowds basically sucked. This was aired on KROQ in LA (the biggest radio station at the time) and they laid into him on the air afterward and the story spread like wildfire throughout the country. The MTV spitting incident didn't help matters either. His incoherent, surly interviews were a major turnoff too. Basically whatever Liam did in the States, Bono did the exact opposite, hence making Bono a god over here and making Oasis a VH1 Where are they Now? episode.

For me, however, I think that everything they did was damn near perfect. I still listen to at least one Oasis song EVERY SINGLE day. 2 of my favorite things in the world have come out of Manchester England. Oasis and Boddington beer.

Live Forever,
I'll post some pics from the BDI NYC gig.

p.s. We have 300 million people here, some fat, some skinny, some great music, some horrible music. Please don't let the media dictate your feelings toward another country.
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby TheNazz » 29 Jun 2011, 16:02

SteveCooper wrote:So why didn't Oasis ever truly blow up over here?
1. The Fab 4. The Beatles are still to this day like a religion for some in the States. To be influenced by them is one thing, but to tell the entire world that you are bigger than the Beatles is sacrilegious. This statement went over like a lead balloon.
2. Too British. Hey, we all love Princess Di, Mary Poppins, and Austin Powers but too much of a good thing is not a good thing. The Gallaghers were looked at the same way we looked at soccer, oops, football hooliganism back in the day. Loudmouth, drunken, dirty punks that no one could understand.
3. Poor timing. After enduring the horrendous hair band music of the 80's, as young Americans we were angry and ready to let everyone know it. Enter Kurt Cobain. Much of the music here from 1991-1995 was extremely aggressive. Hell, even REM made some aggressive (for them) music in the early 90's. And now this Beatle wannabe is singing about a wonderwall and living forever? Again, it just didn't go over well.
4. Liam. At one of their first US concerts he said that American crowds basically sucked. This was aired on KROQ in LA (the biggest radio station at the time) and they laid into him on the air afterward and the story spread like wildfire throughout the country. The MTV spitting incident didn't help matters either. His incoherent, surly interviews were a major turnoff too. Basically whatever Liam did in the States, Bono did the exact opposite, hence making Bono a god over here and making Oasis a VH1 Where are they Now? episode

I'm pretty much sick n tired of ppl going on about "WHY DIDN'T OASIS EVER MAKE IT BIG IN AMERICA"......It's really starting to get BORING!!!!!
Firstly they DID MAKE IT BIG IN AMERICA.....the problem is what's considered BIG in In the rest of the world may not be considered BIG IN AMERICA.....why??.... B'coz EVERYTHING IN AMERICA IS BIGGER THAN EVERYWHERE ELSE.....So whilst selling 2 Million albums in The UK is a Massive Success , in America it's just the tip of the Iceberg b'coz they have a population which is over 5 times as much....Just as a comparison of album sales: DM in the UK.....2.5 Million , In the U.S. 1.5 Million , WTSMG in the U.K...4.4 Million UK , 3.9 Million U.S. , Wonderwall AND Champagne SuperNova were No. 1 Hits in the U.S. , BHN 1.9 Million U.K , 1 Million U.S. , The rest of their albums including compilations & singles have sold approximately 2 Million in the U.S. So how that's considered a failure I don't really know.....All up they've sold close to 10 Million records in the States.....Pretty good result from a bunch of likely lads out of Burnage don't u think??

I think the issue here comes down to 2 things:
1/ Not why they weren't successful in the U.S. BUT why weren't they BIGGER?? AND
2/ PPl always comparing their sales in America to other bands like Nickleback and Greenday etc.....

Why weren't they bigger? - basically b'coz "they didn't play the game". They didn't behave and be nice boys , they were 'avin it!!!! They didn't suck dick and do what the Record Company always wanted them to do. Of course there were also the cultural differences AND the musical differences. Of all the BritPop bands of that era they were definitely the most accessible to American crowds BUT they always retained their "Englishness"...... this was also the reason given as to why The Jam never made it in America - coz they sounded too "English"....Oasis had the distinct advantage of having world class awesome songs and a rockier sound that had wider appeal.
Comparing their sales to the aforementioned bands is a waste of time b'coz these other bands are made for the American market , their sound and image is suited to the style that most Americans that listen to modern Rock are used to and so an "outsider" band like Oasis , that has a distinctive 'non-american' sound & look will always find it difficult to compete.
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Re: Oasis and Americans?

Postby natecopsey » 29 Jun 2011, 18:07

I live in the states, and to be honest the only people I know who like Oasis are the ones with very good music taste, because they look beyond the whole "they look like total fags" and "the singer sounds like hes whining" when i tell them to look up stuff on youtube. Normally after that I tell them "you're probably watching something from 2005-08" and they realize that, and I say that by that point Liams voice was drastically different than it was during the first three world tours they did so they look up stuff from then and realize they like it a bit more. Oh the 90s...
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