Different Gear Record Sales?

Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby Vodka Supernova » 17 Jun 2011, 18:57

Just reading the band's discography on Wiki.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Different_ ... l_Speeding

Apparently, DGSS has sold 1.5 million copies. This is surprising since I tracked the record sales over the opening 4-6 weeks. Those sale's indicated upward's of 250,000 and a Gold Certification (100,000 +) in the UK. If true, it show's BDI favour well compared to Oasis; Dig Out Your Soul just over 2 million copies.

It's great to see BDI earn the plaudits they deserve. 'Four Letter Word' is frequently played on Sports promo's, 'For Anyone' is the theme tune on primetime BBC and they're set to release another album next year. No doubt, DGSS is my favourite album of 2011.
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby th_05 » 18 Jun 2011, 13:57

I find it hard to believe they have sold that many records if they have only sold upwards of 250k in the UK.
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby digdug » 18 Jun 2011, 16:52

That information is uncited and was added by an unregistered user. Unless you can find a more reliable source I wouldn't take it seriously.
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby TheNazz » 23 Jun 2011, 16:46

It's definitely gold in the UK so that means a minimum of 100K sold , let's say that it's done around 150K there. Last time I checked it had sold around 60K in Japan & about as much in Europe (these figures are from around April)......so just in those 3 regions it's sold approx 250K....Sth & Nth America will probably be fairly decent markets for BE but I'm guessing that when all is said & done they'll probably sell around 200 - 250K & possibly another 100K in the rest of the world. So all up we're looking at around 600K.....or at very best 750K if sales continue growing in Europe & Japan. Whichever way u look at it it's still pretty good considering the current climate of Cd sales....I think only hardcore fans will buy their album or anyone's album for that matter.....the casual fan or curious listener will download whatever they like. Someone explain to me how Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber can sell 5 MILLION or 10 MILLION when it's all available on the net.....
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby deasy55 » 24 Jun 2011, 01:12

It has sold 131,900 in the UK up to this Sunday and has sold less than 300,000 worldwide. I do this thing for a living so i'd know.
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby Digital Man » 25 Jun 2011, 01:25

Even the worst Oasis album has sold more. The reason is because everyone knows Noel is the man, Liam is a nobody who hangs off his older and more talented brothers coat tails.

Everyone hates Liam except some people on here who thinks the sun shines out of his arse, Noel was the reason i got into Oasis and i was prepared to give Liam a chance but he bugs the s**t out of me with his bullshit about Noel in every interview.

Gem and Andy are great musicians but without Noel they'd be nobodies who used to be in s**t bands like Heavy Stereo and Ride, FACT! It disgusts me that when Noel walked away from Oasis neither the rest of the band nor Marcus Russell stepped in to back him up.

Noel was the man who earned everyones wages at the end of the day, everyone seems to forget that.
Last edited by Digital Man on 25 Jun 2011, 02:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby JackWMS » 25 Jun 2011, 01:51

deasy55 wrote:It has sold 131,900 in the UK up to this Sunday and has sold less than 300,000 worldwide. I do this thing for a living so i'd know.

Question: Is there a site where you can get record ale figure for the UK and possibly the rest of the world? not chart stats but total number of record sold in each specific country? I really want a site like that :D

Also, Digital man:

First off are you a schizophrenic? You change your tune an awful lot!

Secondly, Ride were a f**king great band, don't be a dick ;)
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby Digital Man » 25 Jun 2011, 02:29

JackWMS wrote:
deasy55 wrote:It has sold 131,900 in the UK up to this Sunday and has sold less than 300,000 worldwide. I do this thing for a living so i'd know.

Question: Is there a site where you can get record ale figure for the UK and possibly the rest of the world? not chart stats but total number of record sold in each specific country? I really want a site like that :D

Also, Digital man:

First off are you a schizophrenic? You change your tune an awful lot!

Secondly, Ride were a f**king great band, don't be a dick ;)

Were they f**k, they were s**t! What makes you say i'm schizo? I've never ever said Beady Eye, Ride or Heavy Stereo were amazing so just because i'm calling it how i see it you try to act a smart arse.

I am pissed and really angry that in the latest interview Liam is slagging Noel again.
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby JackWMS » 26 Jun 2011, 00:20

Digital Man wrote:
JackWMS wrote:
deasy55 wrote:It has sold 131,900 in the UK up to this Sunday and has sold less than 300,000 worldwide. I do this thing for a living so i'd know.

Question: Is there a site where you can get record ale figure for the UK and possibly the rest of the world? not chart stats but total number of record sold in each specific country? I really want a site like that :D

Also, Digital man:

First off are you a schizophrenic? You change your tune an awful lot!

Secondly, Ride were a f**king great band, don't be a dick ;)

Were they f**k, they were s**t! What makes you say i'm schizo? I've never ever said Beady Eye, Ride or Heavy Stereo were amazing so just because i'm calling it how i see it you try to act a smart arse.

I am pissed and really angry that in the latest interview Liam is slagging Noel again.

One second you seem to love Beady Eye and need to collect ALL the records and the other you seem to hate Liam and anyone who likes him or BE. We all know Noel's song writing can wipe the floor with Liam's but Beady Eye are still a could band, if you don't think so I'm not sure why you're here. I cannot wait for Noel's solo stuff but this is a Beady Eye forum.

Also 'Nowhere' is a f**king great album and unfortunately proves Bell has a lot more to give than Beady Eye is letting him, he's a s**t hot guitarist. Ride were a really good band, you may not like them, but they were very, very good. Heavy Stereo however..... well.... yeah.
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby TheNazz » 27 Jun 2011, 15:47

Digital Man wrote:Even the worst Oasis album has sold more. The reason is because everyone knows Noel is the man, Liam is a nobody who hangs off his older and more talented brothers coat tails

Oasis album sales had been decreasing for years , not b'coz of the songs or quality , but due to the fact that everyone's downloading and sharing files......Cd sales in general for every artist has gone down. The only one's that seem to sell in great quantities are Pop artists like Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber that have massive marketing budgets and backup from their multinational Record Companies.....AND they "kiss a lot of arse"...
Rock bands like Oasis tend to have a window of opportunity that lasts 3 - 5 yrs when they are "fashionable" or "in" or whatever you'd like to call it , this is usually handled by the fickle music press/media who determine what's trendy & what isn't. Oasis's heyday was obviously 94' to 97'...
the first 3 albums sold massively , then SOTSOG though a good album did pretty badly before the revival of of the last 3 albums. WTSMG alone sold more than the last 6 albums combined.......what does that tell you?
If Oasis had released a new album I don't think it would've sold much more than a million if that. Most sales coming from the fanbase. Since the fanbase has been split and since BE are a new band it was kinda expected that their album wasn't going to be MASSIVE. When u take into consideration illegal & legal downloading of the album then u can understand why up to now it's only sold 300K. Keep in mind that they have only just started their assault on Nth America.....so they may sell tens of thousands more copies there. Then they still have Sth America to go , which will be a great market for them (they love British Rock) and the Far East......so when all is said & done I wouldn't be surprised if they pick up another 200k - 300K in sales.....which won't be a bad day in the office...
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby PrettyGreen7 » 28 Jun 2011, 21:56

TheNazz wrote:
Digital Man wrote:Even the worst Oasis album has sold more. The reason is because everyone knows Noel is the man, Liam is a nobody who hangs off his older and more talented brothers coat tails

Oasis album sales had been decreasing for years , not b'coz of the songs or quality , but due to the fact that everyone's downloading and sharing files......Cd sales in general for every artist has gone down. The only one's that seem to sell in great quantities are Pop artists like Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber that have massive marketing budgets and backup from their multinational Record Companies.....AND they "kiss a lot of arse"...
Rock bands like Oasis tend to have a window of opportunity that lasts 3 - 5 yrs when they are "fashionable" or "in" or whatever you'd like to call it , this is usually handled by the fickle music press/media who determine what's trendy & what isn't. Oasis's heyday was obviously 94' to 97'...
the first 3 albums sold massively , then SOTSOG though a good album did pretty badly before the revival of of the last 3 albums. WTSMG alone sold more than the last 6 albums combined.......what does that tell you?
If Oasis had released a new album I don't think it would've sold much more than a million if that. Most sales coming from the fanbase. Since the fanbase has been split and since BE are a new band it was kinda expected that their album wasn't going to be MASSIVE. When u take into consideration illegal & legal downloading of the album then u can understand why up to now it's only sold 300K. Keep in mind that they have only just started their assault on Nth America.....so they may sell tens of thousands more copies there. Then they still have Sth America to go , which will be a great market for them (they love British Rock) and the Far East......so when all is said & done I wouldn't be surprised if they pick up another 200k - 300K in sales.....which won't be a bad day in the office...

Good post mate
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Re: Different Gear Record Sales?

Postby TheNazz » 29 Jun 2011, 12:50

Cheers PG7
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