Musically better than Oasis?

Musically better than Oasis?

Postby Wigwam » 24 Feb 2011, 21:40

From the tracks I've heard live these guys are on another level. Having Andy Bell on lead rather than bass is a superb move, for all his songwriting genius Noel was never a fantastic guitarist, Bell however is.

Roll on Troxy!
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Re: Musically better than Oasis?

Postby Gabriele_Predoli » 24 Feb 2011, 23:44

They can't be better than Oasis... Oasis was the best!!!
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Re: Musically better than Oasis?

Postby johneric8 » Yesterday, 07:04

Gabriele_Predoli wrote:They can't be better than Oasis... Oasis was the best!!!

Oasis may be the best but Beady Eye can beat them at their own game.. Especially with songs like "The beat goes on" and "Morning Son"

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Re: Musically better than Oasis?

Postby ryansaffery » Yesterday, 21:51

No, definitely not better than Oasis.
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Re: Musically better than Oasis?

Postby muppet » Yesterday, 23:02

Musically better than oasis?

No....cos they're the same band!!! Andy and Gem were just as good then as they are now!
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Re: Musically better than Oasis?

Postby ryansaffery » Today, 00:32

The beat goes on - that tune reminds of of something, can anyone help me out on that? It has a very familiar beat and rhythum to it. It's a good tune don't get me wrong I just think/know I have heard it before.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2010, 15:45

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