Rock City Last Night.....

Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Live_forever85 » 12 Apr 2011, 10:19

Absolutely amazing! In my opinion one of the best of the 'smaller' venues in the country but Liam's voice was on the money last night!!

Saw them in Manchester a month or so ago and was a top night then, but his voice last night was amazing! Great crowd, everone was up for it!

The bouncers were abit OTT, at one point Liam seemed to be gesturing to them to calm it abit when ragging one lad out. The guy got a thumbs up from Liam, and was reaching over grabbing a few fans on the front row. He seemed to be loving it at the end, and rightly so. Everything was spot on!!

Setlist wise, same as Manchester with 'man of misery' in there (which he dedicated to the Pretty green wearers in the crowd)

Encore was Wigwam and then Sons of the stage'! Usual ending with Liam standing at the very front and lapping it up with that stance!

If every night is like this you will not be dissapointed!
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Stephen_Pearce » 12 Apr 2011, 10:25

Live_forever85 wrote:Absolutely amazing! In my opinion one of the best of the 'smaller' venues in the country but Liam's voice was on the money last night!!

Saw them in Manchester a month or so ago and was a top night then, but his voice last night was amazing! Great crowd, everone was up for it!

The bouncers were abit OTT, at one point Liam seemed to be gesturing to them to calm it abit when ragging one lad out. The guy got a thumbs up from Liam, and was reaching over grabbing a few fans on the front row. He seemed to be loving it at the end, and rightly so. Everything was spot on!!

Setlist wise, same as Manchester with 'man of misery' in there (which he dedicated to the Pretty green wearers in the crowd)

Encore was Wigwam and then Sons of the stage'! Usual ending with Liam standing at the very front and lapping it up with that stance!

If every night is like this you will not be dissapointed!

manchester had man of misery in but not wigwam so are you saying it was same as manchester just with wigwam added? didnt they play two of a kind?
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Live_forever85 » 12 Apr 2011, 11:55

Yeah I know...was the same set as Manchester, just with wigwam added unto the encore with sons of the stage
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby nickpoucher » 12 Apr 2011, 12:20

Awesome gig. Liam's voice was bang on form and the crowd were madferrit (without there being too many idiots). I kinda hope that Beady Eye don't get too big 'cos seeing them in a venue this size is so much better than being miles away at an arena. I was dead centre right near the front, just metres from Liam. Best gig I've been too in a long long time. Quality.
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Gblunny » 12 Apr 2011, 12:49

Great gig last night. Liam was on top form and his vocals were the best I've ever heard. The band too were really tight, much tighter than Oasis in the final few years. Andy & Gem are great guitar players and between them they really create a great sound, they also look as if there enjoying playing more than ever. I managed to meet Liam before the show too, really nice fella and made the time to stop. All in all a great show and certainly one that wont be forgotten.

I also hope that Beady eye go on further and achieve greater recognition. The recognition that they deserve. However it will be a shame in a few years when the small intimate gigs are out of question and the band are filling arena's and stadiums.

Liam is the last great frontman out there and to see him on top form in such a samll venue was incredible.

The support for the show was pretty poor. Steve Craddock, a great guitar player in my oppinion but last nights set was pretty poor. The balance was off and Steve was reading the lyrics from a music stand to the side of him. Surely if your stepping out with Beady eye you would take the time to learn the 8/9 songs that your going to play? Miles Kane who supported Beady Eye earlier on in the year would have had last nights crowd eating out of his hands.
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Live_forever85 » 12 Apr 2011, 14:42

Agreed on all points!

Gblunny - where abouts did you meet Liam In nottm?
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby nickpoucher » 12 Apr 2011, 15:19

Professional photos from last night -
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Gblunny » 12 Apr 2011, 15:38

Outside the venue before the gig.
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby rovers95 » 12 Apr 2011, 17:53

nickpoucher wrote:Professional photos from last night -

Nice pics them, thanx - LOVE Liam's Belstaff jacket, same one he wore at the Barras I think?
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby polkadotskies » 12 Apr 2011, 17:57

the setlist on (website) say that a song called "Circle Going Down" was played? is that Three Ring Circus? or a new tune? (B-side?)
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Wonsaponatime » 12 Apr 2011, 18:07

polkadotskies wrote:the setlist on (website) say that a song called "Circle Going Down" was played? is that Three Ring Circus? or a new tune? (B-side?)

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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby Stephen_Pearce » 12 Apr 2011, 19:50

that has to be the most unreliable source online for setlists
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby JackWMS » 13 Apr 2011, 01:17

Those pro photos are alright but what about Andy?!?! I mean ok Jeff isn't a main member but Andy has easily written the best songs on the record.

He may not be the big 'rock star' people would hope for but just look at his songs and the ending on FLW!!! he deserves much more love.
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby TheBoyWithTheBlues » 13 Apr 2011, 09:31

Did they play For Anyone or Two Of A Kind (or both)?
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Re: Rock City Last Night.....

Postby ThePriest » 13 Apr 2011, 22:41

The gig itself was immense! .. To me, was better than Manc Apollo last month!

Still had the odd d!ckhead @ Rock City though .. we stood to right of the stage, and amount of people who just barge past you, and knock ya flying, instead of just saying 'Can I get past please' .. Gets irritating!! ..

But yeah, Top gig .. hopefully see them again later in year ..minus the d!ckheads!!
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