Dublin Night Two

Dublin Night Two

Postby johnky » 16 Apr 2011, 10:25

Beady Eye - Four Letter Word - The Olympia Theatre - Dublin 15th April 2011

Beady Eye - Millionaire - The Olympia Theatre - Dublin 15th April 2011

Beady Eye - The Roller - The Olympia Theatre - Dublin 15th April 2011

Beady Eye - Standing On The Edge Of Noise - The Olympia Theatre - Dublin 15th April 2011

Beady Eye - Wigwam - The Olympia Theatre - Dublin 15th April 2011

Roll On Belfast !!

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Re: Dublin Night Two

Postby rock_n_roll_star » 16 Apr 2011, 11:35

You were at both weren't you? Which do you think was better?
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Re: Dublin Night Two

Postby Pmc » 16 Apr 2011, 21:53

I went to both mate,

I thought the band were great both nights but the crowd and atmosphere on Thursday was far far better.

Did anyone pick up the comment Liam made last night? After one of the tunes, it didn't get a great reception and
he said something along the lines of 'Would you prefer us to play Wonderwall then? and then there was booing.

Was that what he said? Think it was.

Thursday was epic. Wigwam was the song of both nights imo
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Re: Dublin Night Two

Postby rodders999 » 17 Apr 2011, 12:15

Great vids man, top top night. Only just recovered now, got my hearing back! I couldn't understand a word Liam was saying between songs, he said quite a few things but it all sounded a mumble to me. Must of been all the alcohol. Roll on Oxegen!!!
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