Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Sylar » 19 Apr 2011, 21:09

Went over to Dublin on Friday to see the lads, met up with a few people I've talked to for years, traded with etc..Had an amazing gig / night out

Then we all travelled up to Belfast to watch them on the Sunday, another amazing gig! Was right at the front, got amazing pics I'll upload sometime soon

Anyway so my flight back to Wales was at 10:30am on the Monday, didnt go to bed till around 7am, woke up late at 9:20!
Just about made it to the airport

I'd just checked in and looked up and thought "jesus he looks like Jeff Wooten", being still pretty drunk I didn't click on for a split second, the whole band were standing there

To be honest after all these years I thought I wouldnt have the guts to go upto them, but to my surprise I caught Liams eye, give him the thumbs up and started to walk to him, he walked towards me, shook my hand, gimme a "man hug" :mrgreen:

Chatted to him for about 3/4 mins, he asked me what I was doing there etc... explained to him I'd been to Dublin etc... He thanked me and the missis for coming to the shows, I asked he dreaded question, does he mind if I get a photo, he didnt at all, really nice bloke, walked through the scanners with him aswel then, and was standing next to him and Gem for a bit while we were waiting to board the plane

Didnt get the other lads photos becuase I didnt wanna come across like a stalker fan or something, I got the main mans anyway

Check em out


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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby brekkieMONKEY » 19 Apr 2011, 21:28

Bloody hell mate!! Wow! :o
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Frou » 19 Apr 2011, 22:39

Ahh mate, very lucky! Good on you, really!! Must've been amazing to meet your hero (I assume ;)) after 16 years! I've only had a musical obsession for about 5/6 years now, and finally managed to meet the singer last year, but that was at a gig and not at a huge place like an airport! Haha man, I take my hat off for you. ;)

Also, I just laughed at Gem's hair sticking out above the other people in that photo. :lol:
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Toohill » 20 Apr 2011, 08:47

Well done man.

I managed to meet Liam at the Pretty Green opening in Glasgow after being obsessed for 16/17 years, that was nervous enough just waiting in the queue so i cant imagine how you felt turning round and just seeing him standing there

good stuff!!!
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby ourkid_19 » 20 Apr 2011, 12:51

Hey that´s great! I met Gem twice, but I had never the luck to meet Liam. Maybe someday 8-).
Cheers caroline
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby oasiscane » 20 Apr 2011, 16:30

Nice one! Life is about being in the right place at the right time.
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Sylar » 20 Apr 2011, 16:31

Best day of my life to be fair..

Johnky ihas been kind enough to give me the setlist from the gig, so I'm going to frame that along with my ticket and pics
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Artemisia » 20 Apr 2011, 19:28

Sylar wrote:Image

These are probably the worst sunglasses ever. :cry:
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby kayleighsampson » 21 Apr 2011, 13:06

WOW! you fulfilled my life ambition! :o
i might have to hang around airports! :')
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby andy » 22 Apr 2011, 22:58

Awesome, so glad for you. I love stories like this:)

Happened to me earlier this month, met him after some 15 years , finally.
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Caroline Ford » 23 Apr 2011, 20:44

Wow! Would love to meet Liam. Lucky you.
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Xanthe_Moore » 23 Apr 2011, 21:26

Wasn't quite as lucky as Sylar, but did manage to get his autograph in Leeds and a couple of pics.
My pics from that night here Click Some aren't too bad but the usual when playing human pinball :D:lol:
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Liam Ó Gallchobhair » 24 Apr 2011, 16:14

Well done, I met Paul Gallagher in dublin but didnt take any photos lol
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Marcos_Harston » 26 Apr 2011, 05:53

Amazing story! Your sooo lucky!!! I met Gem,Jeff and Chris at the Royal Albert Hall for the TCT shows but I never met Andy or Liam. I'm going to try my best when they come to Toronto in June so wish me luck. :D
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Sexy Sadie » 26 Apr 2011, 22:04

Awesome! He's adorable!
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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby Oasister » 13 May 2011, 15:15

Hi Sylar that's great!

I am really happy for you that you manage to meet Liam - I know what a great feeeling it is :roll:

Met him as well - in the early Oasis times - oh ma good seems to be soo long ago.

Beady rocks man'

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Re: Finally after 16 years, I met Liam

Postby max misc » 18 Jun 2011, 00:47

I met him here in argentina. in 2009 when oasis came,I was pretty obsessed about meet them,so I went with my uncle to the airport. I get a photo with liam and one with andy, I have to recognize, that meeting liam surprised me, hi isn´t like in t.v, he´s a really cool guy
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