Letterman tonight

Letterman tonight

Postby Ryan_Uhl » 22 Jun 2011, 19:05

Beady Eye is performing on Letterman tonight. What song do you think they'll play?

I am leaning towards "Millionaire" or "The Beat Goes On".
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Re: Letterman tonight

Postby shakermaker05 » 22 Jun 2011, 19:31

I think your assumptions of those 2 songs are right on. I'm gunna say Millionaire cos it's the current single, but if I had to choose another it would be TBGO as it's the next single.
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Re: Letterman tonight

Postby Aaron_Lennon » 23 Jun 2011, 02:11

I really hope it's not The Beat Goes On... Although it is a good song, it's too slow and boring for an American television debut... They need to come out swinging and grab America by the balls. I'd be dissapointed if they played a ballad... I'd put my money on Millionaire, I think it has a good potential to gain Beady Eye a following over here. I wish they'd come out and tear through Bring The Light, that would perk peoples ears up.
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Re: Letterman tonight

Postby shakermaker05 » 23 Jun 2011, 13:56

The Roller! That caught me be surprise, but it sounded great! Hopefully it caught some peoples attention.
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