Oasis To Reform Next Year?????

Oasis To Reform Next Year?????

Postby Digital Man » 07 Mar 2011, 22:19

Would Liam and the other guys lie to us about this? A friend of mine who knows local promoters very well told me that they told him that Beady Eye was a big scam and that Oasis would definitely be back next year.

I personally doubt it and i take what my mate told me as gospel but i think the promoters were telling him porkies. Then again both Gallagher's have told many a lie over the years.
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Re: Oasis To Reform Next Year?????

Postby Siegfried_Ulrich » Yesterday, 09:49

NO! Beady Eye are going to make the Soundtrack to the movie "the last cocktailparty" and they will start doing that next year. I have to admit, that i would really be pissed, if Liam and Noel reunite. Oasis is past and we have their albumes so let the future be Beady Eye, which in my ears, is a fresher and better band, because they try stuff, that Oasis would never have done.
Beady Eye and Noel should make their records and let Oasis rest, as one of the best bands UK ever had.
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Re: Oasis To Reform Next Year?????

Postby Cheese » Yesterday, 09:51

Cant see that. I dont think its a scam. I think they genuinely fell out, but I do still think theyll reform at some point.

Its a big culture shock for Liam, it must be, remeber hes a frontman, so hes gotta be very self obsessed and a ego maniac, and very used to albums streaking to no1, selling out the big stadiums, singles making the top 5 , and beady eye for some reason arent acheiving that. Which not many new bands do but Bead6y eye arent a new band as such are they? Theyre Oasis without Noel simple as, theyre already established etc.

Despite what liam says I reckon hes gutted the singles didnt chart better and the album didnt make no1. It doesnt matter cos the albums mega, but at the end of the day his ego will be dented, i think hes a lot more vulnerable than you think, noel was always saying how insecure he was about his tunes etc.

so based on that a reunion is surely gonna happen at some point.
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Re: Oasis To Reform Next Year?????

Postby JackWMS » Yesterday, 11:15

Cheese wrote:. Which not many new bands do but Bead6y eye arent a new band as such are they? Theyre Oasis without Noel simple as, theyre already established etc.

I keep thinking this every time someone say 'Well they are a new band'' or ''Supersonic only reached 31 in the beginning'', Nah bollocks, Liam is one of the best known frontmen in history therefore they are not new like Oasis were in '94, simple. Look at The Age of The Understatement, no-one said ''who is this Turner bloke? and what's this band about?''... no they went ''very famous 'rock star' makes side project'' which is no different to this.

They are new in the way that it's a new band name, new style and new outlook on things but at the end of the day the members have had way too much press to be considered 100% new and developing. So yeah, to be honest I reckon 31 for their top charting single and UK3 for the Album is a bit of a bummer, we all know Liam and the lads deserve A LOT more, but that's just the way it is! :|
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Re: Oasis To Reform Next Year?????

Postby Cheese » Yesterday, 13:00

also if they did make friends again theres absolutely no reason why they couldnt have Oasis, and liam still do stuff with Beady eye and noel do solo stuff, why not. I always thought Liam overreacted when noel first mentioned solo stuff.

i mean, how good would it be if we had Oasis stuff, then noel goes to bed for 3 years, in which time we have a beady eye album, and an odd solo album here and there from Noel?

If Oasis did re unite though their labum would have be be different, as I often say it woul;d be time to get that lost death in vegas produced album out, different sound no beatles 60's references, something completely diffetrent, if they did it would be massive!! Fucking space age rock n roll!!!

never happen. :cry:
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Re: Oasis To Reform Next Year?????

Postby Digital Man » Yesterday, 19:19

If given the choice between Oasis or Beady Eye then Oasis win everytime, personally i'd like to see Oasis do gigs in the future with Whitey on Drums and Bonehead and Guigsy back in, maybe not full time but i'd love to see the Morning Glory line up play gigs again.

The Beady Eye album to me anyway is probably very close to what the next Oasis album would've sounded like minus Noel's songs but either way it's a reasonable stab at a 1st album.

It's time Noel got the finger out and let the world know his plans musically. He told talksport that he hasn't written anything or made no plans yet Alan Mcghee claims he's heard the tracks and they're amazing.

I'd prefer Noel to be part of a band rather than as a solo artist but we'll just have to wait and see.
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