Beady Eye At IOW Festival

Beady Eye At IOW Festival

Postby GeorgePrice » 26 Dec 2010, 22:30

Well having seen Oasis in one of there last shows at Wembley Stadium when Beady Eye were confirmed I was very happy, I've been a big Oasis fan for years and I am glad that Beady Eye has gone in a fresh new direction musiclly but still keeping the Rock N Roll there, Beady Eye are the band im most looking forward to seeing and have the most anticipated album release for me, Febuary can't come quicker enough for me. Four Letter Word is a great track which I feel is just what the Rock N Roll scene needs, even though I was a big fan of Bring The Light as I am a fan of older music, the only band I love more than Oasis or Beady Eye are The Beatles so I enjoy that kind of music, It was a nice change to as Bring The Light say what you want about it but it was different and not just Oasis re-packaged. Liam's songwriting is improving massively and all I can say now is Different Gear, Still Speeding is going to be amazing. Peace & Love People
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Re: Beady Eye At IOW Festival

Postby Marcos_Harston » 28 Dec 2010, 08:30

Wish I could go..Yeah I agree Beady Eye have an ora about them that is creating excitement in music again. Waking up early to buy singles which were thought to be dead and bringing back the B-Side are all big steps. People are taking a second look and I think Bring The Light was specifically released to throw people off and help them realize that the members aren't tied down to the Oasis sound. I really enjoyed Bring The Light, it surprised me at first but just kept getting better every listen. Four Letter Word helped me connect to their Oasis roots because of its guitar based sound however was still vastly different to Oasis in a good way.
I think they got their heads on and I am really impressed, I know they all are capable of making great music so roll on Feb 28.
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