liam interview on bbc radio manchester

liam interview on bbc radio manchester

Postby cobyben » 09 Dec 2010, 10:36

liam was interviewed yesterday in manchester by bbc manchester and will played tomorrow night at 10. could someone please upload it for us all?
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Joined: 06 Nov 2010, 14:17

Re: liam interview on bbc radio manchester

Postby Cheese » 09 Dec 2010, 16:36

Heres a little summary from

Liam Gallagher: 'I'm happy for fans to compare Beady Eye to Oasis' Date / Time Venue Town/City Seetickets Viagogo

Frontman also promises gigs will 'will blow people's heads off'
December 9, 2010 | 0 Comments Buy Beady Eye Music from Amazon UK Beady Eye news RSS feed More Beady Eye news, reviews, videos and tour dates Liam Gallagher has made a promise about the quality of Beady Eye's forthcoming debut album - saying he doesn't mind the band being compared to Oasis.

The singer said his followers are likely to compare the record, 'Different Gear, Still Speeding', with that of his former outfit, but that this was unavoidable.

"I'm not singing any different from what I did in Oasis," he told BBC 6Music. "It's just rock'n'roll man, [like] The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, we haven't gone dubstep. It'll get compared to Oasis and I don't mind that."

He added: "I feel good, I'm confident, it's a good album, good tunes I'm singing great, it's definitely not pony."

With the band set to play their first shows in March, Gallagher also said he was looking forward to going back to playing smaller venues.

"Without a doubt the smaller gigs are where it's at," he said. "You only go to the big ones for financial reasons. But I'm looking forward to playing big, small whatever. We're rehearsing at the moment and it's going to blow people's heads off."

'Different Gear, Still Speeding' is released on February 28.
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