The Death of You and Me

The Death of You and Me

Postby MBywalec » 11 Jun 2011, 01:40


God bless screenshots.

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Re: The Death of You and Me

Postby JackWMS » 11 Jun 2011, 07:21

Honestly cannot wait, I know it's not getting much love from the charts but Rock n' Roll is alive and kicking in 2011!

Beady, Kane, The Stroke, Monkeys and Noel. Not a fan but Kasabian are also back with another, Plus I'm really getting into this Ride/MBV/Dinosaur Jr.-esque band called Yuck... s**te name but good tunes. You can also argue Brother and The Vaccines are in the Rock 'n Roll genre and both are having moderate success, Guitar bands will rise again hopefully in this decade! We just need another 4 piece with nothing but guitars and drums to shake things up again and belt out some f**king tunes, there's nothing better than snotty kids that don't give a f**k and like making a racket. [/old man rant :lol:]

Back on topic, yeah Noel!
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Re: The Death of You and Me

Postby Mike D » 12 Jun 2011, 08:58

Noelrock is the best kind of rock.. can't wait! :D
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