Beady Eye in the U.S ?

Beady Eye in the U.S ?

Postby Kido44 » 29 Apr 2011, 14:10

How have the band been received in America?

Have they released any singles yet and if So how have they charted?

If not why not & when?
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Re: Beady Eye in the U.S ?

Postby BiancaRose » 04 May 2011, 13:53

Hey Kido44! I'm American, living in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Unfortunately, Beady Eye has not had a lot of play over here. Partly, it's their fault. In order for them to crack America, they will need to launch a full fledge tour here. Only playing a handful of dates will not get you air play. They need to book several T.V. appearances such as Conan O'Brian, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel... all the late night talk show's that feature live performances. To be honest, I could care less whether they have huge succes here or just play a few show here and there. As long as I get to see them live, I'm a happy camper :DI like being able to keep them in my back pocket here.

According to, here's how they charted with the album.

#4 Alternative Albums
#31 Billboard 200 - Currently at, been there for 2 weeks
#7 Rock Albums
#11 Digital Albums
#6 Independent Albums
#20 Canadian Albums

Hope this helps! :)
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Re: Beady Eye in the U.S ?

Postby Marcos_Harston » 08 May 2011, 07:48

^ wow really thats not that bad..could be worse with the things people listen to now a days.
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