Pretty Green and shipping charges!!!

Pretty Green and shipping charges!!!

Postby eight » 10 Jul 2011, 23:07

I have been really wanting a Pretty Green and Beady Eye logo shirt. So today I decided I was going to buy one of each. First I bought the beady Eye shirt which was like 25$ plus 7$ shipping. That was a good deal. And since Pretty Green st-shirts are half price I figured why not. So I go to the site pick out my shirt a nice black one with green trip and little logo on the left chest. The shirt was still 28$, 17.50 pounds which wasn't bad. But the shipping was 24$, 15 pounds. Yes it may be international but so is the Beady Eye shirt which was only 7$. I am not paying that much for shipping, so I didn't get it. Bummed out now. Ill bet that when they mark the shirts back up to normal price, the shipping will go down significantly. I saw a box for discount code, anyone know where I can find a discount code or how I can get one?

But seriously 28$ shirt with a 24$ shipping charge?
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