A message from Gem Archer

Hi all.

Gem here saying a big thank you from the bottom of my being to everyone for their kind words, wishes, messages and patience over the past weeks. I am on the mend, not gone round the bend and treading carefully whilst taking each day as a giant leap forward.

I still consider myself lucky, who knows why things happen, but they do and it all could have been much worse but it wasn’t.

That was then and as of now, I can’t wait to stand with a guitar in my hand alongside the rest of the boys, on a stage in front of some of you from November onwards.

“You can’t change the wind, but you can change how you walk into it” as an old friend said to me once. Here’s to next time and knowing a little more of how to do the walk!

Bring it on. Thanks again.

Peace, love, luck and respect.

Gem Archer.

A Night For Jon Brookes

Liam, members of Beady Eye and Bonehead will perform at A Night For Jon Brookes at the Royal Albert Hall on October 18th. Tickets are available here: http://www.gigsandtours.com/go/thecharlatans

If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate to The Brain Tumour Charity you can do so online at http://www.thebraintumourcharity.org/jonbrookes

A message from Beady Eye

A big thank you to everybody who’s been in touch to give messages of support for Gem following his accident. He and his family really appreciate it and so do the band. We are gutted about all the cancelled shows but thank you for understanding that we need to prioritise our mate and his recovery. The good news is Gem is doing well so far and is expected to make a full recovery over the next few weeks. This is just to say thanks for your patience, and for all the messages that have come in from all over the world. We are buzzing about getting back on stage for the UK and Ireland dates in November. Thanks, Beady Eye.